Issue 7919 Jul/Sept 2024 – Work


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Work | Issue #7919

It takes up most of our waking hours and yet it’s seldom depicted – Work. This new edition of BJP explores the topic from multiple angles: How do photographers make a living? Which curators are preserving our 20th-century industrial history? And how does medical, agricultural and labour imagery operate in both professional and artistic spheres?

Hear from artists Kadir van Lohuizen, Samar Hazboun and Christina Fernandez in our in-depth artist features, plus learn about maintaining archives of work from the Martin Parr Foundation’s Isaac Blease, Fondazione MAST’s Urs Stahel, and Luciano Zuccaccia, whose Protest in Photobook library exceeds 700 anti-establishment volumes.

As ever, our writers preview this season’s most important institutional shows, including Tate Britain’s huge survey of 80s photography in Britain, while we also count down to Paris Photo, celebrate 10 years of Loose Joints photobooks, and spend a lazy afternoon with Jenny Matthews in east London.